Park Rules and Regulations

The Wicomico County Council, upon the recommendation of the Wicomico County Recreation and Parks Commission, deems it advisable to establish certain rules and regulations concerning the use of County parks, recreational facilities, and areas and to establish penalties for violating the provisions of this bill. Chapter 179 of the Wicomico County Code, entitled “Parks, Recreational Facilities and Areas” is hereby enacted to read as follows:


As used in this text, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated.

Wear and Carry Permit – A valid permit issued pursuant to Title 5, subtitle 3 of the Public Safety Article of the Maryland Annotated Code.

Department – Wicomico County Department of Recreation, Parks and Tourism

Park – Any land or water devoted to park or recreational uses and owned, operated, or established by Wicomico County, Maryland, including but not limited to all parks, playgrounds, recreational areas, beaches, facilities, buildings, grounds and water operated or administered by the Department of Recreation, Parks and Tourism for recreational purposes.

Vehicle – Any motor vehicle, moped, mini-bike, trail bike, electric bike or scooter, all-terrain vehicle, snowmobile, or bicycle as well as other cycles.


The provisions of this chapter shall apply in and upon all parks within Wicomico County.


The following regulations shall apply to all parks.

Destruction of Park Property

No person shall deface, alter, injure, destroy, misuse, or remove any monuments, boundary lines, physical structures, lands, installation, notices, signs, historical materials or artifacts or any other County property.

Restrictions on Use and Activities

The Director is authorized to limit or restrict any park or section thereof to certain activities, uses, or age groups and to prohibit activities and uses of any park or section thereof, or to impose additional rules and regulations when deemed necessary for the health, safety, and welfare of the public or for the protection of park property. Such limits, restrictions, regulations or prohibitions shall be by order of the Director and posted in the affected areas.

Use By Permit

Any person or persons holding a permit for the use of an athletic field, court, pavilion, or rented space are entitled to the exclusive use of such area on the dates and between the hours specified in the permit. However, in the event the grounds are wet or otherwise unsuitable to use without damage to the facility, the permit shall be deemed revoked.

Pemberton Historical Park and Pirate's Wharf Park

The use of metal detectors and/or digging into the surface of park property is strictly prohibited at Pemberton Historical Park and Pirate’s Wharf Park.

Paths and Trails

Those paths and trails designated by the Department as foot paths, nature trails or bicycle trails may be used only by pedestrians and non-motorized vehicles. Horses, horse-drawn vehicles, and motor vehicles shall be prohibited.

Bridle Paths

Those paths and trails designated by the Department as bridle paths or horse trails may be used only by pedestrians, horses, or horse-drawn vehicles. All other vehicles, whether motorized or non-motorized, shall be prohibited.


No person shall remain upon park property after a lawful command to remove by any law enforcement officer or by the Director of the Department or his/her authorized representative.


Harbor Facilities

Violations and Penalties

Any person who violates any provision of this Chapter or any rule, regulation, directive, restriction, or permit issued pursuant thereto shall be guilty of a civil infraction and shall be subject to a fine of not less than twenty-five ($25.00) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). A schedule of fines for violations has been established by resolution of the County Council of Wicomico County. Each day the violation continues shall constitute a separate violation.

Authority to Issue Citations

The Sheriff and any Deputy sheriff of the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Department, any person appointed by the Governor of the State of Maryland as a special police officer with respect to the property described in said commission, and any person designated by resolution of the Wicomico County Council as having authority to enforce the provisions of this chapter shall have authority to issue citations for civil infractions of this Chapter.

Schedule of Fines

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